The Literally Anybody Else Times

When You Spend Too Much Time Online Instead of Running for President Against Literally Anybody Else

Ever found yourself trapped in an endless scroll through memes when you should be campaigning for president? Well, that's one way to avoid making tough decisions.

Forget political debates, this guy's debating whether to watch another cat video or plan his economic policies. "Why bother with politics when you can just meme your way to victory?" he pondered. "I might not have a platform, but at least I have a funny meme!"

"I mean, who wouldn't vote for Literally Anybody Else?" he chuckled. As for the competition's reaction? They're too busy making campaign promises to comment.

Not all heroes wear capes, but this one legally changed his name to become one. #PresidentialHeroics

The face you make when you realize you're the candidate everyone's talking abou

He once legally changed his name to "Literally Anybody Else" just to prove a point - and now he's running for president! Talk about dedication to change.

Limited time offer


'Literally Anybody Else' has the support of not just the people, but also every cat, dog, and houseplant in America. It's a true grassroots movement.

Marvel at a magazine

A tribute of sorts to an era of cool superhero movies, this is a Marvel-themed magazine! Recommended, because it took 45 hours, so you know some serious dedication has been poured into this.

Let's adopt, don't shop.

Literally Anybody Else' once stopped a heated debate by simply saying, "Can't we all just agree to disagree?" If only all political disputes were that easy to solve!

"Literally Anybody Else"

The king of unconventional political moves has arrived.

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